Hi Team,
There is an issue with the form validation showing the same error message twice in the sweetalert. I'm sure you've noticed this ,but if you have not it's a super easy change.
This is due to the response having the same error multiple times.
Example -
{message: "Trailer ID is already taken", errors: {trailer_id: ["Trailer ID is already taken"]}}
errors: {trailer_id: ["Trailer ID is already taken"]}
trailer_id: ["Trailer ID is already taken"]
0: "Trailer ID is already taken"
message: "Trailer ID is already taken"
let a = e.response.data.message, t = e.response.data.errors;
.catch(function (e) {
let p = e.response.data.message;
e.response && Swal.fire({
text: p,
icon: "error",
buttonsStyling: !1,
confirmButtonText: "Ok, got it!",
customClass: {
confirmButton: "btn btn-primary"
I could not be able to manage depends rules in validation.js
can somebody help me?
Thank you for your info.
Hi Eric,
Thank you for your suggestion.
Could you please share which js file are you referring to?