I would like to know what I need to do in order to use Form Repeater in Metronic template for Laravel. I was trying to start with a basic example of Form Repeater, I put HTML and JS code inside the blade template. I can see HTML elements rendered with CSS but I have a JS error:
Uncaught TypeError: $(...).repeater is not a function
That means I do miss repeater JS.
What do I need in order to install or include that JS?
To use Form Repeater in the Metronic template for Laravel, you need to activate the necessary vendor scripts for Form Repeater. It seems that you are missing the required JavaScript file.
You have a couple of options to include the Form Repeater JS:
1. Using Helper Function:
In your controller or view, you can use the provided helper function `addVendors` to activate the necessary vendor for Form Repeater. This will include the required JavaScript files.
< script src="{{ asset('assets/plugins/custom/formrepeater/formrepeater.bundle.js') }}"></script></code >
Make sure to adjust the path according to your file structure.