I would like to know how to use font-awesome, line-awesome and bootstrap-icons icons in Metronic for Angular. Because even the demo provided by Keenthemes for Metronic for Angular doesn't correctly display the icons.
As seen here: https://preview.keenthemes.com/metronic8/angular/demo2/crafted/pages/wizards/horizontal
After the title "Choose Account Type" should appear the icon "fas fa-exclamation-circle" but nothing is rendered.
Sorry for the late response.
Glad to see that you solved your issue.
On Monday/Tuesday we have an update, where issues with breadcrumbs should be fixed.
Keenthemes support
I noticed that in the global style file, "styles.scss" is missing the inclusion of the file that imports the icon fonts and some other vendors.
just added
@import "./assets/sass/style.angular.scss";
and worked!
By the way, the breadcrumb for Demo2 is broken.. I solved the problem with some workarounds.