Hello. I bought your metronic template. I'm using the React version of the template. It starts for me, but does not track file changes. I did everything according to the instructions, but not as I do not want to. I also ran a freshly created create-react-app build with typescript. Everything works in it. Tried in 3 environments: Windows, Ubuntu, Docker node:16-bullseye. What could I have missed at startup? I will attach the output below.
Could you please write more details, what exactly do you mean 'It starts for me but does not track file changes.'?
We aren't sure what we have to investigate exactly?
Anyway, the Webpack hot-reloader is working, we've just checked, once you are doing the changes, it refreshes the page automatically.â
Or do you mean your git repository isn't tracking the files? In that case, check your .gitingore file.