I'm getting thousands of errors when trying to setup eslint properly. I didn’t find anything in the documentation.
I followed the steps and installed the theme using "npm install", but when I do "npm run serve" I get a message saying the eslintrc file is missing.
I tried to do "eslint --init" and setup the file but it always gives me a lot of errors.
Could someone please explain to me how to setup eslint at Metronic 8 Vue?
Folder structure looks like this:
It looks like you didn't copy all the required files.
Files like .eslintignore, .eslintrc.js, .env, and .gitignore are hidden by default but these files are required for the theme to work correctly.
I wasn't copying the hidden files... problems solved!
Hi Fernando,
Glad to hear that, all the best with your project.
I took all the files inside the demo1 folder, copied them to my project frontend folder.
I tried "yarn install" and "npm install" but both of them when I try to serve, get this same message.
ERROR Failed to compile with 1 error 17:04:16
No ESLint configuration found in /Users/fernandolangaro/Downloads/Programacao/futuroxapp/frontend/src.
ERROR in No ESLint configuration found in /Users/fernandolangaro/Downloads/Programacao/futuroxapp/frontend/src.
webpack compiled with 1 error
I'm using Metronic 8 and I'm getting the following error:
"No ESLint configuration found"
ESLint configuration is included in the default package in the latest Metronic v8.0.38.
Do you have .eslintrc.js file in your demo folder?
Have you modified anything in our codebase?
Hi Fernando,
Could you please specify which Metronic version are you using?
Also please attach a text of your error message?