I'm setting this up with laravel and everything has worked except when I try php artisan migrate --seed. It throws this error:
Call to undefined function Termwind\ValueObjects\mb_strimwidth()
at vendor\nunomaduro\termwind\src\ValueObjects\Styles.php:1052
1048â */
1049â private static function trimText(string $text, int $width): string
1050â {
1051â preg_match_all(self::STYLING_REGEX, $text, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
â 1052â $text = rtrim(mb_strimwidth(preg_replace(self::STYLING_REGEX, '', $text) ?? '', 0, $width, '', 'UTF-8'));
1054â // @phpstan-ignore-next-line
1055â foreach ($matches[0] ?? [] as [$part, $index]) {
1056â $text = substr($text, 0, $index).$part.substr($text, $index, null);
1 vendor\nunomaduro\termwind\src\ValueObjects\Styles.php:870
2 vendor\nunomaduro\termwind\src\ValueObjects\Styles.php:732
When encountering an error with Laravel seeding, I first check the database connection and ensure migrations are up to best software training institute in kochi date. Common issues include incorrect model references or missing factories. Running php artisan db:seed --verbose often reveals specific errors. Debugging with dd() inside seeders helps pinpoint the root cause efficiently.
mbstring is required for the Laravel application. Please ensure it is installed and enabled on your server. You can find more information about Laravel’s server requirements here: