I found some error messages while compiling Vue version of demo8 downloaded from the site, and all of them are on "endingShape": "..." in ApexChart.
endingShape is deprecated long time ago since ApexChart 3.27 but Metronic8 demos are still using this, which is quite surprising.
Thank you for your feedback.
Yes, "endingShape" option was removed in apexchart v3.27, but in Metroinic 8 we are still using apexcharts v3.23.1 and this property shouldn't cause any errors. We got the same error only after apexchart version update, you can fix this by changing with "endingShape" property to borderRadius: 5
We will update apexchart version in upcoming Metronic releases.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
Please advise how to get endingShape: rounded to work.