Component Missing In Rect js (Demo1)
Basically - we are looking for, All React js components should be the same as HTML design , however, cannot find most of them and only limited features/components in React js vs HTML
1:- We are not able to find Auth (Aside login,Registration,Forgot Password Layout)
2:- Two-Step Verification Page Missing(Aside Layout)
3:- Account overview page has only limited features(we are looking for exact same as HTML view)
Pls Advise
In the React version's all available features are shown on the preview site. The HTML version uses mostly jquery plugins so those plugins are not available in the React version. However, the HTML/Plain JS features are all reusable in the React version.
The React uses the default authentication layout at the moment and the other layouts can be integrated by referring to the default one's implementation in the React version.
We may release more features for the React version in a future update. Recently we have released a great feature for React, the complete CRUD solution, and User Management App.