Hi, we are searching something as:
Where can we find the addon to create this? Should be perfect to give a JSON object in a function and it creates a code viewer.
You can check a source code of this page inside file src/views/LayoutBuilder.vue.
We preview our JSON object using component src/components/highlighters/CodeHighlighter.vue, it have two props lang and fieldHeight.
lang - language you want to preview, for example javascript, html, css e.t.c.
fieldHeight - optional prop, provide it if you want to limit previewer height
In slot you can pass a code that you want to display.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
Can't edit the question. Gives an error. It would be better if you create levels in it so you can open and close specific level. Also you need a formatter in it (to beautify it). Can you guys create this as addon with a new update?
We don't get any errors, when trying to format your question, it might be a temporary error on our server, could you please retry it?
Thanks for suggtion! We will consider adding more formatting options in upcoming future.