when i select arabic and add import
to index.html
style appear correct but when select english and add import
to index.html
style has problem and not work correct
please can you help me?can i change import style by index.html for change project to rtl or ltr by select language
The issue you're facing could be due to how you are creating and adding the <link> elements in your DOM.
You can modify your setLanguage function to handle the stylesheet loading for different languages like this:
This modified code will remove any existing stylesheets and then load the appropriate stylesheets based on the selected language.
Make sure you have a route configuration that handles the lang query parameter and updates the language accordingly.
Hi Amina,
Please note the following:
After selecting the language and adding the relevant style imports to index.html, it's essential to refresh the page. CSS styles typically cannot update the entire page without a refresh.
Changing the language or direction (RTL or LTR) often involves applying different styles and layout rules. These changes might not take effect immediately in a dynamic web application without a page reload.
So, to ensure that your styles work correctly after selecting a language or changing the direction of your project, perform a page refresh to apply the new styles.
This is the general code to show how it works:
private router: Router,
private location: Location,
private yourLanguageService: LanguageService
) {
this.selectedLanguage = yourLanguageService.getLanguage();
onLanguageChange() {
const currentUrl = this.router.url;
this.location.replaceState(currentUrl); // Update the URL without a page reload
location.reload(); // Reload the page to apply new language settings
Of course, I am doing a refresh, but I mean that import style scss in index.html does not work
When the language is Arabic, I want to import two files in index.html
<link rel="stylesheet" href=./assets/css/style.rtl.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href=./assets/sass/style.angular.scss">
<link rel="stylesheet" href=./assets/sass/style.scss">
<link rel="stylesheet" href=./assets/sass/plugins.scss">
setLanguage(lang: string) {
localStorage.setItem(LOCALIZATION_LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, lang);
if (lang == "ar") {
document.dir = "rtl";
const temp = document.createElement("link");
temp.innerHTML = "<link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/css/style.rtl.css">";
temp.innerHTML = "<link rel="stylesheet" "./assets/sass/style.angular.scss">";
const head = document.head;
while (temp.firstChild) {
} else {
document.dir = "ltr";
const temp = document.createElement("link");
temp.innerHTML = "<link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/sass/style.scss">"
temp.innerHTML = "<link rel="stylesheet" href="./assets/sass/plugins.scss">"
const head = document.head;
while (temp.firstChild) {
ngOnInit() {
console.log("this select lang is ", this.selectedLanguage);
onLanguageChange() {
const currentUrl = this.router.url;
this.location.replaceState(currentUrl); // Update the URL without a page reload
location.reload(); // Reload the page to apply new language settings