how do we change the design of the login of the Laravel demo to have the design such as:
It appears that you're looking to change the design of the login page in the Laravel demo. Here's how you can go about it:
The link you provided corresponds to the layout for Metronic version 7. However, the Laravel starterkit you're working with uses Metronic version 8.
To change the design of the login page, follow these steps:
Locate the login form:
You can find the login form in this file: /laravel/starterkit/resources/views/pages/auth/login.blade.php
Modify the layout:
The layout you need to change is known as 'x-auth-layout,' and you can find it here: /laravel/starterkit/app/View/Components/AuthLayout.php
Adjust the authentication page layout:
The overall layout of the authentication pages can be customized by editing this file: /laravel/starterkit/resources/views/layout/_auth.blade.php
Reference the Metronic HTML version:
You can refer to the Metronic HTML version to replicate the layout. The HTML version provides access to the HTML code for layouts, pages, and more.