I have been trying to find a way to change the language i use in my laravel/metronic 8 application.
1st problem : I have created a new lang folder called fr, and to get started I copied the files I had in the folder en, translated them, changed the language in app.php and the pages are not getting translated. For example i used the "__" helper in the login.blade.php view and it's not working. It's outputing the key/parameter i'm sending with the "__" helper.
2nd problem : I also tried finding a way to change the error message i get in the forms.
By default when I empty the metronic 8 password input it says "the password is requried" In red. I can't find where to change that.
Looking for help,
Thank you in advance
Hi Ali Silarbi,
The login modal message could be from this file resources/assets/extended/js/custom/authentication/sign-in/general.js
Effectively you're right,
I got only one small question left, after I changed the language, I noticed that on the modal that i get on the incorrect login informations, the message is duplicated, can I know where i also can change that ?
Hi Ali Silarbi,
The validation localization file uses the default Laravel.
You copy from en lang and create a new language folder, then customize it to your language;resources/lang/en
Look for the file here;resources/lang/en/validation.php
Check the documentation online;