I've tried to deploy metronic for vue 3 in docker and map it with my hostname but it can't run with the build command that you gave in the readme file. Do you have any suggestion or any more guide line about how to deploy it?
My Colleague can deploy it already. This thread can be closed. Thanks for your help.
Hi Jirawat!
Glat to hear that. All the best with your project.
It's 8.0.35.
I found only error like this when I tried to build it
These are warnings and they shouldn't influence a build process, does your application works on `npm run server`?
Also, make sure that you have updated publicPath in your vue.config.js.
By default for demo1, it is "/metronic8/vue/demo1/" but you have to update it for your server.
Could you please specify which theme version are you using?
Do you have any errors?