I've been using metronic 8 for a long time now and I have a great time, but I have a problem with regards to Breadcrumb.
The problem is that when in Laravel I define an edit or view page for a specific model, for example a route of the type '/users/1/edit' the Breadcrumb does not appear.
I tried to modify the configuration file array 'config/gloabal/pages.php' going to a configuration like:
"users" => array(
"*" => [
"edit" => array(
"title" => "Edit User",
"view" => "users/edit/index",
"assets" => array(
"custom" => array(
"js" => array(
Hi Nunzio Marfè,
Sorry, we have missed the issue here. Do you find the solution yet? This seems a bug, we will fix it and include it in the future update.
Is this fixed?
Hi Nunzio,
Please try this code.
"users" => array(
"title" => "User List",
"*" => array(
"title" => "Show User",
"edit" => array(
"title" => "Edit User",
It didn't work for me, I set the menu page this way
"classes" => array("item" => "menu-accordion d-none"),
"title" => "Edit Role",
"controller" => RolesController::class,
"path" => "users/roles_permissions/{role}/edit",
"bullet" => "<span class="bullet bullet-dot"></span>",
"users" => array(
"roles_permissions" => array(
"title" => "Roles & Permissions,
"view" => "users/roles_permissions/index",
"*" => [
"edit" => [
"title" => "Edit Role",
"view" => "users/roles_permissions/edit/index",
<a href=""%20.%20theme()->getPageUrl("users/roles_permissions/"%20.%20%24role->id%20.%20"/edit/")%20.%20"" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Role</a>