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Breadcrumb generation in dynamic pages

I've been using metronic 8 for a long time now and I have a great time, but I have a problem with regards to Breadcrumb.

The problem is that when in Laravel I define an edit or view page for a specific model, for example a route of the type '/users/1/edit' the Breadcrumb does not appear.

I tried to modify the configuration file array 'config/gloabal/pages.php' going to a configuration like:

"users" => array(
"*" => [
"edit" => array(
"title" => "Edit User",
"view" => "users/edit/index",
"assets" => array(
"custom" => array(
"js" => array(

but to no avail.

Has anyone found a solution to this problem?

Text formatting options

Replies (4)

Hi Nunzio,

Please try this code.

"users" => array(
"title" => "User List",

"*" => array(
"title" => "Show User",

"edit" => array(
"title" => "Edit User",


It didn't work for me, I set the menu page this way

"classes" => array("item" => "menu-accordion d-none"),
"title" => "Edit Role",
"controller" => RolesController::class,
"path" => "users/roles_permissions/{role}/edit",
"bullet" => "<span class="bullet bullet-dot"></span>",

and the page equivalent this way

"users" => array(
"roles_permissions" => array(
"title" => "Roles & Permissions,
"view" => "users/roles_permissions/index",
"*" => [
"edit" => [
"title" => "Edit Role",
"view" => "users/roles_permissions/edit/index",

and I go create a link to dynamically go to that page based on an id like

<a href=""%20.%20theme()->getPageUrl("users/roles_permissions/"%20.%20%24role->id%20.%20"/edit/")%20.%20"" target="_blank">Role</a>

but it doesn't load either view right and neither the breadcumb with the page title.

Hi Nunzio Marfè,

Sorry, we have missed the issue here. Do you find the solution yet? This seems a bug, we will fix it and include it in the future update.


Is this fixed?

Text formatting options
Text formatting options