I bought metronic.
I am using version 8.0.35 Theme 20 with Bootstrap installation on Laravel 8.
I'm trying to change the blue background-color of the hader but can't do it. Can you please help me?
Thank you
You can edit demo20/src/sass/layout/_variables.scss
the header style variables:
// Header
$header-config: (
z-index: 97,
bg-color: if(isDarkMode(), $page-bg, $primary),
box-shadow: if(isDarkMode(), none, 0px 10px 30px 0px rgba(82,63,105,0.08)),
height: (
desktop: (
default: 70px,
extended: 140px
tablet-and-mobile: 55px
navs-bg-color: $body-bg,
navs-tab-height: 50px,
navs-tab-color: (
default: if(isDarkMode(), $gray-600, #C8E3FF),
hover: $gray-900,
active: $gray-900
menu: (
padding-x: 25px,
indention: 0.75rem,
) !default;