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ASP Core: please update documentation, cannot print either, d3 charts issue, some partials do not work

Hello, please see issues below, I spend a lot of time testing and sharing details.

1) When I print a help page half the content is missing, please make it easier to follow help on a printed paper.

2) Can you please update ASP Core 6 documentation to add a new view, where are all do we make changes.

3) When we add d3 vector charts, the entire page / content is not working

4) how to let user save his theme/color choices of the theme (sdebar colors, font etc.) like AspNetZero

5) what is the print css for someone who wants to print the web page when they are in the app.

6) drawers partials is not working for the feedback item on a page. I want to let users send me any issue so I can report it as a bug back to you , but I cannot get the side drawer/feedback button to work

7) Can you please add datatables filtering as a table

8) how to change to different layout theme from inside ASP Core starter theme

9) Here is the coding for your help in sliding window, you need a UI variable to set the value in admin section for user

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddAuthentication(options =>
options.DefaultScheme = CookieAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationScheme;
}).AddCookie(options =>
options.ExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(30);
options.Cookie.MaxAge = options.ExpireTimeSpan; // optional
options.SlidingExpiration = true;

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  • happy  :)
  • shocked  :|
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Replies (3)

<p>Thanks for the response,</p>

  1. For the print, if you just click print the help docs from the browser you will the issue when the paper comes out of the printer or the PDF.
  2. D3 charts are vector and they dont fit in the container widget, what container and css attributes should I use to make sure that Vector graphs correctly fit/resize when the page is stretched out. Here is some help on this issue
  3. let me explain, the user wants to save the changes from this front end for his sign-out and next login, in asp core, how can we let them save/change/update the theme, currently i think you have cookie, can you please tell me how to access/get the Keen theme user widgets and theme settings in the backend controller.
  4. I assume, the button on the side of the page is drawers, how can we make those partials, so user can post feedback, I cannot get this is on the backend as AJAX? is not working for the feedback item on a page
  5. Also ASP identity scaffolding is very easy, can you please add those scaffolded pages
  6. Also CRUD code gen is also very easy for controllers with t4, is that planned?
  7. Lastly, the page load with all assests is very large, can you consider dynamic js to load only the assets used on that page?
  8. Can you please share a roadmap, i.e what is the plan on the road map for ASP Core, I want to see if you can consider the dashboard widgets as partials view/viewcomponents.


  1. Do you use our page or it is your custom help page?

    We do not have print functionality in our pages.
    You can do window.print(); to call print dialog from javascript.
  2. You can try to use a bootstrap 5 containers.

    Check out their official doc:
  3. Right now in Starterkit we do not have a layout builder, you can refer to a layout builder in our HTML version.
  4. You can check drawer usage examples and demos in our drawer doc.
  5. Currently our version is a Starterkit, so we will have some default pages there, other pages can be easily implemented by referring to our HTML version.
  6. We will consider adding this page in upcoming releases, for now, please refer to our HTML version codebase.
  7. This functionality is already done, we are loading globally assets only used by layout and which are mandatory. You can load your files for separate views.

  8. Default dashboard page widgets are already included. You can find widget partials in folder Starterkit/Views/Partials/Widgets


Thank you for your feedback.

  1. Could you please describe how we can reproduce this issue?
  2. We are planning a doc update soon, we will add more view usage examples.
  3. Please let me know how you are trying to add this chart and if you have any error in your console please attach them.
  4. It is already handled by our js code, you can set a default user mode in appconfig.json ModeDefault property, then if user switches theme we are saving the user's chosen mode in a localstorage.
  5. Not sure if got this point correctly. If you want to load a custom CSS file for one view you can use the function KTTheme.addCssFile.
  6. Please show us code of your drawer.
  7. We will consider opportunities to add this in the next releases. For now, you can refer to examples in our HTML version.
  8. You can switch a layout by setting the Layout property from your page view files.

  9. @{
    Layout = KTTheme.getView("YourLayoutName.cshtml");

Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
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