Hello, can you tell me please why angular theme is different and i cant use html classes inside, to change it.
1. HTML Left aside bar has classes:
app-sidebar flex-column
aside aside-light aside-hoverable
Thank you for answer.
Thank you for answer. Can you tell please when release will be ? (This week, month or year..) Im just make a update and want to know when i can wait for it.
We will try to release it as soon as possible this month.
A lot of thanks! You was best one Guys ð
Thanks Sure, we do our best to release it soon.
The HTML Demo 1 uses the redesigned new layout while the Angular Demo 1 uses the previous HTML Demo 1 layout. We will release the new demo1 layout for the Angular version soon. The HTML/CSS features in the content are reusable from the HTML version to the Angular version.