Hi Brother,
First of all, I would like to thank you for such a beautiful and stable working theme.
But I'm Having a Little Problem
Below I Share HTML and JS Content, I Fill Content With Ajax
<div id="YetkiTanimlariListeAlani" class="docs-content flex-column flex-column-fluid">
<div class="container d-flex flex-column flex-lg-row">
<div class="card card-docs flex-row-fluid mb-2">
<div class="card-body">
<div class="table-responsive">
<table id="YetkiTanimlariListeTablosu" class="table table-rounded border gy-7 gs-7 DT_TabloYapisi">
<tr id="YetkiTanimlariListeTablosu_Baslik" class="fw-semibold fs-6 text-gray-800 border-bottom-2 border-gray-200">
<tbody id="YetkiTanimlariListeTabloIcerigi">
var ListeIcerigi = jQuery.parseJSON(GelenVeri);
if (ListeIcerigi.length > 0) {
ListeKayitSayisi = ListeIcerigi.length;
$("#YetkiTanimlariListeTablosu > thead > tr").empty();
$("#YetkiTanimlariListeTablosu > tbody").empty();
var _YetkiTanimlariListeTablosuTH1 = document.createElement("th");
var _YetkiTanimlariListeTablosuTH2 = document.createElement("th");
_YetkiTanimlariListeTablosuTH1.innerHTML = "Veri Tanımı";
_YetkiTanimlariListeTablosuTH2.innerHTML = "Açıklama";
$.each(ListeIcerigi, function (Anahtar, Deger) {
$("table #YetkiTanimlariListeTabloIcerigi").append(
"<tr id=YetkiTanimlariListeTabloIcerigi_" + Deger.KayitNo + ">" +
"<td>" + Deger.VeriTanimi + "</td>" +
"<td>" + Deger.Aciklama + "</td>" +
datatables.bundle.js:1517 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'aDataSort')
at qA (datatables.bundle.js:1517:53)
at nt (datatables.bundle.js:1592:17)
at z (datatables.bundle.js:204:25)
at HTMLTableElement.<anonymous> (datatables.bundle.js:228:110)
at Function.each (plugins.bundle.js:15:3320)
at _.fn.init.each (plugins.bundle.js:15:1461)
at _.fn.init.a [as dataTable] (datatables.bundle.js:108:21)
at A.fn.DataTable (datatables.bundle.js:3299:24)
at Object.init (advanced.js:87:38)
at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> (advanced.js:140:26)
function qA(t) {
var e, r, i, o, s, c, B, g = [],
l = t.aoColumns,
w = t.aaSortingFixed,
u = A.isPlainObject(w),
h = [],
E = function (t) {
t.length && !Array.isArray(t[0]) ? h.push(t) : A.merge(h, t)
for (Array.isArray(w) && E(w), u && w.pre && E(w.pre), E(t.aaSorting), u && w.post && E(w.post), e = 0; e < h.length; e++)
for (r = 0, i = (o = l[B = h[e][0]].aDataSort).length; r < i; r++) c = l[s = o[r]].sType || "string", h[e]._idx === n && (h[e]._idx = A.inArray(h[e][1], l[s].asSorting)), g.push({
src: B,
col: s,
dir: h[e][1],
index: h[e]._idx,
type: c,
formatter: a.ext.type.order[c + "-pre"]
return g
I Solved The Problem, The Cause Of The Error Is Due To Creating The Table Header On Js
Hi ,
Glad to hear that. All the best with your project. Please let us know if you need any further help.