Hi thanks
I read it completely and did the static method, it worked, but responsive (mobile) has a problem in the images that preview the main site, there is no problem with responsiveness.
I could not implement the dynamic method either, it keeps saying that the function is not defined, in fact, I think I did not put it in the right place
Could you please specify which images have a problem?
Please make sure that you return those functions inside the setup.
return {
RTL webpack script was removed in Metronic V8.1.6, to get RTL styles now you can reuse webpack or gulp script from our HTML version. https://preview.keenthemes.com/html/metronic/docs/getting-started/rtl.
Then you can manually copy the RTL file from the HTML version into the assets folder and import this file in src/App.vue.
@import "assets/style.bundle.rtl.css";