When I downloaded, I got v8.2.2. How do I upgrade ? If I download v8.2.3 , will have any issues with license going forward ?
Also, I am planning to use React+Tailwind for front-end and Django for backend. I see that you don't have react files for all the links in Demo8 for Django. In my last question, you asked me to integrate HTML files into Django. What is the right way to go build React+Django app with the assets you have provided in HTML version ?
There will be no issue with licensing if you upgrade the version.
You will need a new license only when you use Metronic for a new product or client.
If you go with Metronic React you can use Django as your backend. The backend you should implement on your own according to your project requirements. Metronic offers the frontend solution with Metronic React.
To reuse the HTML version features in React you can copy an HTML code and adopt the required JS code(if any) for your React components.