Hello how are you hope you good
tinymce In last version of "Metronic 8.2.7" Not work
Could you please till me how to fix it
I think problem because of
When try to download it and include it, It work but show Upgrade Button
Hi @slope game
Try the following steps
Make sure you have loaded the correct JavaScript and CSS files required for TinyMCE. Make sure the paths to these files are correct.
Check your TinyMCE configuration. Make sure you have configured the parameters correctly in your JavaScript code. A basic configuration example:
tinymce.init({selector: 'textarea', // Select the textarea element
plugins: 'lists link image preview', // Required plugins
toolbar: 'undo redo | styles | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image',
Hello @ slope game,
You should ensure that TinyMCE is correctly initialized in your JavaScript code. Here’s a basic example of how to initialize TinyMCE:
selector: 'textarea', // Change to your specific selector
plugins: 'lists link image code',
toolbar: 'undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image | code',
// Additional configuration options
Please make sure to use node.js version v20 LTS.
May I know which demo are you using?
In the package.json file, could you please verify the tinymce, and if version is
"tinymce": "7.2.1",
The latest version tinymce version has the issue. For now, please set the fixed version of v7.2.1
Please remove the ^ mark from the version number, if any.