1. Looks like a bug on TinyMCE plugin example
The html starts with
<textarea id="kt_docs_tinymce_plugins" name="kt_docs_tinymce_plugins" class="tox-target">
but the javascript references the 'basic' instead of 'plugins'
selector: "#kt_docs_tinymce_basic", height : "480"
Please fix page and advise correct javascript.
2. TinyMCE shows
TinyMCE 6.8 ... December 13th, 2023
Are you going to upgrade Keen 3.0.6 admin theme to latest TinyMCE anytime soon?
3. What are display options for mode, skin, & content_css?
if ( KTThemeMode.getMode() === "dark" ) {
options["skin"] = "oxide-dark";
options["content_css"] = "dark";
We will fix this issue and update the docs ASAP.
You can use the below JS instead:
const options = {
selector: "#kt_docs_tinymce_plugins",
height : "480",
toolbar: "advlist | autolink | link image | lists charmap | print preview",
plugins : "advlist autolink link image lists charmap print preview"
if ( KTThemeMode.getMode() === "dark" ) {
options["skin"] = "oxide-dark";
options["content_css"] = "dark";