I'm using your Sticky class for use sticky on my elements.
when the page is loading everything is works ok, but I'm doing some UI update in some time, and the sticky stop working.
I've done the "KTSticky.createInstances();" call, and when I'm scrolling I see the element definitions changing, but the UI looks like the same
Please try to call KTComponents.init()
if you dynamically change the page contents.
If you are updating the page width or other parts you should try to use
var stickyElement = document.querySelector("#kt_sticky_control");
Is it working in the original template? What have you changed ?
Could you please provide us with your test URL so we can check it your online?
The feature is not uplaoded so its not something online yet.
I try to explain it more clearly:
I have a card with header:
<div class="card-header bg-white py-3" data-kt-sticky="true" data-kt-sticky-width="{target: "#widgetTarget"}" data-kt-sticky-name="a2" data-kt-sticky-top="70px" data-kt-sticky-offset="{default: false, xl: "1450px"}" data-kt-sticky-release="#events" data-kt-sticky-zindex="10" data-kt-sticky-reverse="true">
<h3 class="fs-3 fs-3 d-flex align-items-center mb-0">Header text