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Sidebar collapsing on page load

Hi team,

I'm looking for some advice to solve my problem.
The template can be found Demo10 dashboard.html

Currently, when accessing the dashboard.html page, the sidebar will collapse on the first page load. This is only present for the users first visit to the page.

After the first visit the problem is not an issue.

Where have I gone wrong?
Is there additional information that I can provide to help diagnose?

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Replies (3)


Could you please provide us with more info?

Per our testing, the sidebar does not collapse on the initial load.
Are you testing it using the live preview here? Can you try to clear your browser cache?

If you need further help please provide us your browser and OS versions.



Additional info is no problem. I'll try to get something hosted.

No doubt, your environment is different to that of others.

I am testing my own implementation of Metronic's templates.
The HTML content of the sidebar has been modified.

The Browser is Chrome and the OS is Windows.

Have you go any guidelines for loading/deferring scripts?


Our online preview uses PHP and the pages are generated as normal web app pages. There should not be any script-loading issue if you are using the HTML templates as per original markup. If you can provide us your test URL we will check it.


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