form input select is too slow when i put in modal
I'm sorry but when i tested without modal, that is still slow when open the select, when total data is 2, here my code
<div class="col-md-5 fv-row">
class="fw-semibold fs-6 mb-2 d-flex align-items-center"
Publik ?
<select name="ispublic" class="form-select form-select-solid">
<option value="1">Ya</option>
<option value="0">Tidak</option>
<div class="fv-plugins-message-container invalid-feedback error-text ispublic_error"></div>
Could you please clarify your issue with more details ? The standard select is a HTML element and Metronic does not do anything manipulation with it. I wonder how it can be slow since its native HTML element.
Also it seems you copy paste the code from browser code inspector, instead get the code from template, since browser inspector adds dynamic markup to the code which does not work if you use it as default code.