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RTL build for Metronic 8.1.2

Hi keenthemes,

the default build successfully built <a></a>

while RTL didn't successed, here's the log : <a></a>

Any thoughts ?

NB : did all from scratch, get the new 8.1.2 folder ready, no node mudules, install npm, yarn on tools ... everythin wen well.

Thank you

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Replies (5)


Here is the workaround fix for _toastr.scss file. We will include it in the next release.



background-position: 1.5rem center #{"/*rtl:calc(100% - 1.5rem) center*/"} !important;


// this is for RTL
 background-position: calc(100% - 1.5rem) center !important;
 background-position: 1.5rem center !important;


Hi riterix,

In the file; /metronic_v8.1.2/html/demo1/src/sass/vendors/plugins/_plugins.scss

Can you comment on this line first as a workaround? While we are working on the fix.

// @import "toastr";

Webpack build should be working after commenting the @import toastr line.


Hi Faizal,

It worked like a charm.

Thank you man.

Hi riterix,

"everythin wen well", Do you mean the above issue is already solved?


Hi Faizal, Thank's for the quick reply.

I said it went well for the LTR.

But for the RTL it displays an error, I left you the trace log.

Any idea why it didn't compile for the RTL?

Thank you

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  • <a></a> for links
  • <img> to paste in an image
  • <blockquote></blockquote> to quote somebody
  • happy  :)
  • shocked  :|
  • sad  :(
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  • <blockquote></blockquote> to quote somebody
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  • sad  :(