"><img> to paste in an image
Here is the workaround fix for _toastr.scss file. We will include it in the next release.
background-position: 1.5rem center #{"/*rtl:calc(100% - 1.5rem) center*/"} !important;
// this is for RTL
background-position: calc(100% - 1.5rem) center !important;
background-position: 1.5rem center !important;
Hi riterix,
In the file; /metronic_v8.1.2/html/demo1/src/sass/vendors/plugins/_plugins.scss
Can you comment on this line first as a workaround? While we are working on the fix.
// @import "toastr";
Hi Faizal,
It worked like a charm.
Thank you man.
Hi riterix,
"everythin wen well", Do you mean the above issue is already solved?
Hi Faizal, Thank's for the quick reply.
I said it went well for the LTR.
But for the RTL it displays an error, I left you the trace log.
Any idea why it didn't compile for the RTL?
Thank you