Hi! I would like to know if there is any way or any similar component to Form Repeater where besides having the possibility to add/remove items from the list, I could also re order them by drag and dropping them. I' m using Metronic 8 HTML.
This is a lightweight, standalone library that allows drag-and-drop sorting of list items. It's easy to integrate with Metronic and works well with Form Repeater. You can initialize Sortable.js on the block blast's list after the Form Iterator displays the items.
Ok, I see. I believe what is need is a mix of Draggable and Form repeater. Since I need the number of input groups to be dynamically incremented like in Form Repeater, but also the ability to order them. What do you think is the best way to achieve it?
You can consider using show/hide callback API https://github.com/DubFriend/jquery.repeater and integrate the Draggable object.
The formrepeater plugin does not have built in support for dragging functionality.
You can consider using DrDraggable plugin.