Compre esta plantilla y ahora solo quiero generear una simple plantilla en HTML nada mas pero veo parametros que no puedo quitar.
data-kt-app-layout="light-sidebar" data-kt-app-sidebar-fixed="true" data-kt-app-sidebar-push-header="true" data-kt-app-sidebar-push-toolbar="true"
Todos esos feos paremetros quiero quitarlos y dejar un html limpio pero no se puede.
Thank you for using Metronic.
Please note that these global parameters can not be removed since they are used to manage the Layout options and modes in the CSS code. Using HTML attributes to manage the layout is quite a common approach, it's used by Google, Facebook, and other popular sites.
If you are not satisfied with Metronic due to this approach you can request a refund following this form. 100% money back is guaranteed!
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Hola yo compre en y no en envato
Then please write to Bootstrap Market support via and request a refund. 100% money back is guaranteed .