I tried using the tooltip as popover layout that you have on https://keenthemes.com/metronic/tailwind/docs/components/tooltip, but it doesn't work. For some reason the popover classes don't exist.
My search found that the classes such as .popover-header and .popover-body are added by a popover.js file (which is in the “assets/src” folder), but this code is not being converted to the bundle.
I reiterate the problem of the -info class color not working either. It only works for things like text color. And also the problem with KTLayout.init that I commented on in another ticket.
When can you fix these requests? Thanks.
As explained in my previous reply. Please always compile your CSS whenever you modify your HTML with new classes. This is how Tailwind works. It looks for CSS classes in your HTML and adds it to the output CSS file.