Following the update of Metronic v9, here is the error I get:
22:57:22 [vite] Pre-transform error: Failed to load url /src/main.ts (resolved id: /src/main.ts). Does the file exist? (x3)
Can you please help me?
If you haven't managed to get a working application by following our integration guide, refer to the Metronic Tailwind React project in our guides repo.
Since it is a public repo, it doesn't contain theme assets. Follow the steps below before running the application:
folder from the metronic-tailwind-html
package and paste it into the metronic-tailwind-react/src
. The directory structure should now look like this: metronic-tailwind-react/src/theme
and paste it into metronic-tailwind-react/public
.npm install
and serve the project with npm run dev
I already followed those steps...
Hey there, I'm the developer which asked this thread's question.
I've tried cloning your repository and installing metronic 9 by following the given commands on this thread.
I've got now a new error.
uncaught SyntaxError: The requested module "http://localhost:5173/src/theme/app/layouts/demo1.js" doesn"t provide an export named: "default"
To fix this error in file src/theme/app/layouts/demo1.js you should change
KTDom.ready(() => {
export default KTLayout;
Hi there.
I encountered in the boilerplate that you gave me once again an error by following the edit that you suggested me. The error is now:
Uncaught ReferenceError: can"t access lexical declaration "KTSticky" before initialization
Hi, the same for me !
Do you import KTComponents from theme/core/index?
The correct file you should use is core/index.spa.ts which doesn't contain KTDom.ready
code part causing this error.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
import Sidebar from "./components/Sidebar.js";
import Footer from "./components/Footer.js";
import Header from "./components/Header.js";
import KTComponent from "./theme/core/index.spa.ts";
import { useEffect } from "react";
import KTLayout from "./theme/app/layouts/demo1.js";
function App() {
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<div className="flex grow">
<Sidebar />
<div className="wrapper flex grow flex-col">
<Header />
<main className="grow content pt-5" role="content">
<div className="container-fixed" >
<div className="container-fixed">
{/* place your content here */}
<Footer />
export default App
I don't understand why it doesn't work for many people and it works for you???
I pushed the update to the examples repo. Can you try the updated example?
It seems like index.ts and index.spa.ts conflicts, to fix the problem after you copied assets delete src/theme/core/index.ts and rename src/theme/core/index.spa.ts to index.ts.
Lauris Stepanovs,
Keenthemes Support Team
May I know which application are you trying to integrate with Metronic?