Hello. I'm trying to implement the Image Input plugin. I can assign an image and using some javascript / php (backend) can get the image stored on the server and mapped in a db.
My hurdle is when I load the profile in the update mode. I am able to code the location of the image and assign it to the 'src' attribute of an image element.
But my problem is - the initial display of the image does not include the 'Remove' button. What happens if someone just wants to remove the image they assigned to their avatar and not assign a new one?
I need for the page load to recognize an image is being assigned at the outset and to provide the 'remove' icon.
In other words, I need to be able to toggle that image on / off based on the existence of the user's profile picture.
Can you pls give the solution here. I am also facing the same issue
I answered my own question...I found this section of code in the documentation:
I can dynamically populate this <div> and the controls appear as I want them to.
<!--begin::Image preview wrapper-->
<div class="image-input-wrapper w-125px h-125px" ></div>
<!--end::Image preview wrapper-->
Yes, each core component has API to dynamically control the initialization according to your app logic. If you need any further help please let us know.