When using a responsive DataTable the + button does not appear when used inside of the metronic stepper and the datatable is not on the first step. I was able to fix this by calling a recalc on the step containing the datatable with the stepper changed event but I believe this is a bug.
stepper.on("kt.stepper.changed", function(stepper) {
var step = stepper.getCurrentStepIndex();
if (step == 2) {
dtexpenses = $("#expenses").DataTable({
rowId: "rowId",
responsive: {
details: true
serverSide: true,
ajax: {
url: "URL",
type: "POST",
timeout: 10000,
"order": [
[0, "desc"]
columns: [{
data: "Category"
data: "Name"
data: "Price"
data: "Gst"
data: "Total"
Thanks for sharing this. We will check and fix it in a future update.