Does Metronic 8’s Django Bootstrap version provide native support for server-side processed KTDataTables? Specifically:
1. Are there examples/Django components for handling:
-Pagination (start, length)
-Search filtering (search[value])
-Column ordering (order[i][column])
...via Django views instead of client-side?
Hi Augusto Moro
Metronic 8 does not come with built-in Django components specifically for server-side processing of DataTables. However, you can implement this functionality by creating your own Django views to handle the server-side logic.
1. Pagination: You can handle pagination by using the start and length parameters sent by DataTables. In your Django view, you can slice your queryset based on these parameters.
Search Filtering: For search functionality, you can use the search[value] parameter to filter your queryset based on the search term provided by the user.
3. Column Ordering: The order[i][column] parameter can be used to determine which column to sort by and in which direction (ascending or descending).
Example Django View
Here’s a simplified example of how you might set up a Django view to handle these features:
from django.http import JsonResponse
from .models import YourModel
def your_datatable_view(request):
# Get parameters from the request
start = int(request.GET.get("start", 0))
length = int(request.GET.get("length", 10))
search_value = request.GET.get("search[value]", "")
order_column = request.GET.get("order[0][column]", "0") # Default to first column
order_dir = request.GET.get("order[0][dir]", "asc") # Default to ascending
# Filter the queryset based on the search value
queryset = YourModel.objects.all()
if search_value:
queryset = queryset.filter(your_field__icontains=search_value)
# Order the queryset
if order_dir == "asc":
queryset = queryset.order_by(order_column)
queryset = queryset.order_by("-" + order_column)
# Paginate the queryset
total_records = queryset.count()
queryset = queryset[start:start + length]
# Prepare the response data
data = {
"draw": int(request.GET.get("draw", 1)),
"recordsTotal": total_records,
"recordsFiltered": total_records, # Adjust this if you have a separate count for filtered records
"data": list(queryset.values()), # Convert queryset to list of dictionaries
return JsonResponse(data)
$(document).ready(function() {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": {
"url": "/your-datatable-url/",
"type": "GET"
// Additional DataTable options...
Thanks for the fast answer. It'll help me
Glad it worked out. Let us know if you have any more issues.