Does Metronic 8 has support for datatables buttons (export options: PDF, CSV, Excel) ?
It doesn't work for me either
"buttons": [{
"extend": 'pdfHtml5',
"exportOptions": {
"columns": ":not(.noExport)"
There is an example in the docs ?
At the moment we do not have such an example in the documentation. We will add it in a future update as soon as possible.
You can implement it by referring to the official Datables Buttons documentation and implement it for the Metronic's one of integrated datatables
Thanks! So, i assume, the current design already is similar to
Metronic v7 Buttons Extension
? and we are only missing the example in the docs?
We will add this example in the next update in a few days.
Thanks! You guys rock!
Do you have any news about this inclusion ? Tks
Yes it does.