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Menu - multiple triggers on one menu

I have the next code:

<button class="btn btn-icon btn-color-gray-400 btn-active-color-primary justify-content-end"
data-kt-menu-trigger="click" data-kt-menu-placement="bottom" data-kt-menu-target="#goalsModal">....</button>
<div class="menu menu-sub menu-sub-dropdown menu-column menu-rounded menu-gray-800 menu-state-bg-light-primary fw-bold w-xl-450px"
id="goalsModal" data-kt-menu="true">....</div>

I need to create another trigger with the same functionality as the one on top, and the menu should be placed under the first trigger.

I created a button that would show the menu with the above code:

addGoalElem.addEventListener("click", () => {
const instance = KTMenu.getInstance(this.#modal);;

problem is, the menu would appear on top of the page.
adding "data-kt-menu-attach='someselector' " would place the menu in that container but under the first trigger as I would want.

Any solution for this?
I went through the code and saw the attribute "data-kt-menu-target='id' "
but it works with only one trigger, I wish it was possible to that attribute to multiple triggers to and for the menu to work with both.

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Replies (3)


Could you please clarify your question? Do you need one menu but 2 triggers(visible buttons) and upon clicking one of the buttons the menu should be displayed attached to the clicked button?


I found a solution, thanks anyways.

Hi happy,

Great! All the best with your product. If you need any further help please do let us know.


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