I'm Using Metronic Theme Demo 7 Package v8.1.1,
I Use It as Render and Layout, How Can I Trigger the Menu, Notification, Task Titles in the Left Layout When I Press the New App Button in the Render Area?
After I Give an ID to the Li Element for the Task Area in the Left Menu, I Send a Click with Javascipt, But It Doesn't Show the Menus in the Task on the Right Side.
How can I do it ?
<img src="https://i.hizliresim.com/fff2wvp.png" />
Please try to use a correct jQuery selector by id:
$("#UyeSicilTest").trigger("click"); // or the below one
Hello, I tried both ways, the relevant field is clicked but no action is taken,
Additionally, when I add the show and show active classes to the relevant fields, I get what I want.
Why doesn't it happen when I click without adding a class?
Since those links are Bootstrap Tabs you can use the API of Bootstrap Tab:
const bsTab = new bootstrap.Tab("#myTab");