I have element of lightbox but it didn't show, otherwise the lightbox open in new tab, this is my code
->addColumn('gambar', function ($row) {
if ($row->gambar) {
$image = '
<a class="d-block overlay" data-fslightbox="lightbox-basic" href="'.asset($row->gambar).'">
<div class="overlay-wrapper bgi-no-repeat bgi-position-center bgi-size-cover card-rounded min-h-50px"
<div class="overlay-layer card-rounded bg-dark bg-opacity-25 shadow">
<i class="bi bi-eye-fill text-white fs-3x"></i>
} else {
$image = '';
return $image;
Sorry for the late reply.
May i know which template, framework and build method(gulp or webpack) are you using ?
The same lightbox works well outside tabs but inside tabs does not ?
i use html templates on my laravel framework not gulp or webpack
im sorry but what is mean of this ? works well outside tabs but inside tabs does not ?
I think it just didn't work on datatables
Sorry, we could not understand your issue. May I know which template are you using? Metronic or any other template from our market ?
Can you send us a test link via a private reply to check it online?