i getting this error when i ran : npm run build --demo1 after following documentation getstarted Aspnetcore
D:\MPR\Dev REV\MDRE_V2.2\RevApp\_keenthemes\tools>npm run build --demo1
> keenthemes@8.2.3 build
> webpack
[webpack-cli] Invalid configuration object. Webpack has been initialized using a configuration object that does not match the API schema.
- configuration[0].entry['js/widgets.bundle'] should be a non-empty array.
-> All modules are loaded upon startup. The last one is exported.
how to solving this problem?
Sorry for the inconvenience. We have this issue in Windows. In the mean time, please use this workaround.
In file /tools/webpack.config.js somewhere in line between 115 - 118. Please change the code with the line below.
entries["js/widgets.bundle"] = (glob.sync(path.relative("./", srcPath).replaceAll(/\\/g, "/") + "/js/widgets/**/!(_)*.js") || []).map(file => {
return file.replaceAll(/\\/g, "/");