Hi There,
I want to open a tab by the tab name
like this
when I browse the above URL it will load the default tab not the tab id in the URL
Hi ,
Thank you for your kind words about Keen. Really appreciate it. May I know if are you using the Keen or Metronic theme?
If you are using the latest Metronic 8.x:
1) To activate the tab using the URL hash you should add the below function in src/js/components/app.js
right after the initModal function and call it under the init function right after initModal call and recompile your assets with gulp or webpack. Then you will be able to activate the tabs using <core>url.com#kt_stats_widget_16_tab_2
var initTabs = function() {
const hash = decodeURIComponent(window.location.hash).replace(/\s/g, "-").substring(1);
let tabEl = document.querySelector("[data-bs-toggle][data-bs-target="#" + hash + ""]");
if (!tabEl) {
tabEl = document.querySelector("[data-bs-toggle="pill"][href="#" + hash + ""]");
if (!tabEl) {
tabEl = document.querySelector("[data-bs-toggle="tab"][href="#" + hash + ""]");
if (tabEl) {
// Default Options
var defaultOptions = {
dropdown: {
hoverTimeout: 200,
zindex: 107
accordion: {
slideSpeed: 250,
expand: false
We will consider exposing this parameter to the HTML attribute level in a future update.
Please give it a try and please let us know the result.