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flatpickr RTL arrow rendering issue

Hi Keenthemes,

After digging for soooooooo long, I finally came to a conclusion that you Metronic Styling Layer over flatpickr, was the issue for the flatpickr RTL arrow rendering.

OK, bear witness.

here's the rendering on normal Metronic RTL use (the issue):
- Parte 1 (iddle) :

- Parte 2 : On hover :


here's the rendering using the flatpickr original style flatpickr.css file, from node_modules "../node_modules/flatpickr/dist/flatpickr.css" (We also have to desable all Metronic styles like plugins.bundle.rtl.css and style.bundle.rtl.css to isolate):

Please fix in the next update as this is the only missing part of our RTL machinery.

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Replies (6)


Sure, we will check this issue. Can you please provide us with your JS code to initialize your date picker input? We need to reproduce the same issue on our end. Our Flatpickr examples in the documentation worked fine when hovered in RTL mode.


Thank's for the quick reply.

Sure it works well at your end, because you may didn't use :

locale : "ar",

here's the js code used to initialize the date picker :

flatpickr(".kt-picker__present_or_past_date", {
enableTime: false,
allowInput: true,

dateFormat: "Y-m-d",
maxDate: "today",
locale: "ar",

Any thoughts on this ???

Thank you


I have tested the same setup and the result was fine on hover for the latest v8.1.6 that we will release today:

<img src="" alt="" class="w-100"/>

Please try to test it with the latest version today and let us know the result.


Just to see it visually, I can confirm it is working fine, LoL.

By the latest version you mean Metronic v8.1.5 ?, because that's what I'm using right now !!!.

Ahhh didn't see it, you mention v8.1.6, allright waiting for that one and I will test it and get back to you.

Thank you Sean.

You are welcome!
Yes, we are about to release Metronic v8.1.6 shortly happy

You can try in the demo website a localization for "ar" locale as "arabic" to have an idea that it renders well the "ar" l10n:

Thank you

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