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Error in django project while adding Whitenoise package in order to compress the static files

I'm facing this error while adding whitenoise package to the sample django project

``` The file 'plugins/custom/tinymce/skins/ui/oxide-dark/fonts/tinymce-mobile.woff' could not be found with < object at 0x7f9037f369e0>.

The CSS file 'plugins/custom/tinymce/skins/ui/oxide-dark/' references a file which could not be found:

Please check the URL references in this CSS file, particularly any
relative paths which might be pointing to the wrong location.

I used this tutorial to add whitenoise to django :

I think this issue link could be helpful but I don't understand it completely:

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Replies (7)

We attempted to install the Whitenoise package and followed the setup steps (using your provided link), and it appears that there is no issue with the Whitenoise configuration itself.
Additionally, we have tried a test with TinyMCE, and it worked. There doesn't appear to be an issue with the missing tinymce-mobile.woff file.
You can try download using below link and running Django project using the following command:

python runserver

Regarding the warnings related to map files, you can safely ignore them, as they should not impact the development process. We'll continue to investigate and work on resolving these map file warnings.

I apologize for the inconvenience you're experiencing. The error you're encountering is related to a missing source map file for the Flot chart plugin. However, this should not affect the development of your project.

To address this issue, you can safely ignore the missing source map file. It won't impact your application's functionality. Alternatively, if you don't use the Flot chart in your project, you can remove it to prevent this error from appearing.

You can remove the Flot chart plugin by deleting the related files (/django/starterkit/_keenthemes/tools/webpack/plugins/custom/flotcharts) and removing it from the package.json file.

Thank you for your feedback, and we'll work on resolving this issue in future updates.

I removed the flotchart completely but again am facing another error: The file 'plugins/custom/jstree/images/jstree/40px.png' could not be found with < object at 0x7f48e2c09450>.

The CSS file 'plugins/custom/jstree/jstree.bundle.css' references a file which could not be found:

IS it possible for you guys to try test the project for production and resolve these minor errors ?

I think this is the least for a starter project to satisfy in order to be used in a serious project.

If not please say it to be clear and so I can leave using the Metronic

In /django/starterkit/_keenthemes/tools/, please run yarn and gulp to rebuild the assets. Please refer to the documentation here

I managed to run yarn install and resolve the above problem. but again I face another missing file which does not exist this time?

" The file 'plugins/custom/flotcharts/' could not be found with < object at 0x7f62c03bd450>.

The JS file 'plugins/custom/flotcharts/flotcharts.bundle.js' references a file which could not be found:

I think starter kits are suppose to pave the way to make things easier not this miserable.


It's possible that the 'plugins/custom/tinymce/skins/ui/oxide-dark/fonts' folder is missing, which could be causing this error to appear.

Please try copying the contents from this folder:


and paste them into this location:


We are working to address and fix this issue, so you should see a resolution in the near future.

thanks for your reply. there is no 'node_modules' in the `/django/starterkit/_keenthemes/tools/` !!!

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  • shocked  :|
  • sad  :(
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