I don't see any documentation on integrating the react front end with the pulse back end. I have both but I'd prefer some guidance on how to integrate the two rather than banging my head against a wall.
In your pulse source code, you can refer to the README.md file to get started quickly.
If you need any further help please do let us know.
That readme file is of little use. I have used Laravel in the past, but never React. I am trying to learn it. However, there is nothing in that file that tells me how to set up the metronic react front end to work with the metronic laravel backend. Do I replace the Laravel public folder with the one from the React folder? And where do I put the other folders that come with the React download? The only thing the readme tells me is do download and install a plugin... WHERE? I mean, come on. I paid for this. Can't someone making money off of it at least do a video of how to set this up and get the front end talking to the backend?
Please note that Metronic-Pulse is supposed to be used as a stand-alone API application you can place your frontend app at any place and run it separately, and then you trigger API endpoints through HTTP requests.
To see all the available API endpoints, you can generate API Swagger documentation.
To generate Swagger documentation run the following commands.
php artisan vendor:publish --provider "L5Swagger\L5SwaggerServiceProvider"
php artisan l5-swagger:generate
php artisan serve
and you can access the documentation at /api/documentation