hello, when you click the button in the first picture, the modal opens. There is a date field in the modal. When you click on the right and left arrow keys that allow you to switch to the other month for date selection, the modal closes and the date box remains in the air as in the second picture.
Date fields are not modal when I use menu-dropdown.
If the menu dropdown is to be believed, there is no solution
Can you please try to use the Datapickr example in Modal as shown here? As per our checking it works fine. Can you double-check your code and compare it with the one that is shown in the docs?
If you need any further help please provide us a test link so we can check it online.
I am using in menu-dropdown the date fields are not modal.
I guess there is no solution according to menu dropdown?
this is my code for filter button.
I have date field in admin/date_filter page.
Regarding the problem in the date field
Is it possible to edit this code?
Integrating the KTMenu with other 3rd party components in this way is not implemented. However, you can try to set data-kt-menu-permanent="true"
for the menu toggle element along with data-kt-menu="true"