Hi, i refer to this documentation,
i put the javascript to my code and its working perfectly if i use endpoint url u provide, this: url: "https://preview.keenthemes.com/api/datatables.php",
if i use my own data with my url endpoint, all data show in 1 page, all function like search, filter, pagination not working.
The `class-list-util.php` file is not necessary, depending on your project's requirements. It contain helper functions for listing arrays for our demo purpose.
You may get it here:
is class-list-util.php necessary? i run in local, its working but not when i run in server. if u have sample code, please share with me,tq
Hi Aizuddin,
In this case, it's essential to ensure that your backend API is set up to handle search, filtering, and pagination.
Here are some steps to consider:
Make sure your backend API (the one you're using in your code) is configured to support server-side processing for DataTables. This means it should handle pagination, searching, and filtering requests. You can refer to the DataTables documentation for details on the expected request parameters.
Ensure that your DataTables initialization script sends the correct parameters to your backend API. This includes parameters like draw, start, length, search[value], and any additional parameters your API expects for filtering.
Your API should respond with data that matches the format expected by DataTables. The response should include the total number of records, the filtered records, and the data to be displayed on the current page.
If you've configured your backend API to handle server-side processing correctly and are still facing issues, it might be helpful to provide more details about your backend code and how you're making the requests. That way, we can offer more specific guidance.