When click input search of select2 inside quick search, form search hide
The same thing also happens in kt-menu
We have double-checked it and we could not reproduce the issue you explained.
When we select an option for Select2 input controls the search menu stays open as expected, it's not getting closed.
May I know what is your OS and browser version?
Thank Sean. Not selecting the option in select2, but clicking on the search box of select2
Noted, we can reproduce this issue now, we will provide a fix for this issue in the next update.
In the meantime you can fix it by just adding data-dropdown-parent="#kt_header_search"
attribute to the select2 select inputs in the search menu.
If you need any further help please let us know.
Thank Sean. Let me try
I have done it, but how should I handle flatpickr and datepickrange?
<img src="https://i.imgur.com/J325Azs.png" />
Thanks for the feedback.
We will check this further. We will need to see if these plugins have parent element binding support like Select2 does.
Thank you !!!
Thank Sean. Metronic 8, html, demo1. I follow the following sequence.
Click on the search icon on the index demo page, then press the 'show more search options' button, select 'select within the next', click on the input field to search for a value for 'select within the next'
May I know which Metronic version, framework, and demo are you referring to?
Can you check if the search kt menu has data-kt-menu-permanent="true"
attribute set as in the latest Metronic v8.1.8 demo 1 as you can preview here?