To start with:
Local OS: Win10
Node: v20.12.2
npm: v10.1.0
yarn: v1.22.22
gulp-cli: 3.0.0
gulp: v4.0.2
I just downloaded the Metronic v8.2.7 Node.js Demo1, unpacked it and followed these instructions:
I did use "npi install" versys "yarn", and everything succeeded.
I then ran "gupl --demo1" and it started building, and here is how it went:
PS A:\WebAppProjects\ngr_apps\app_four\ngrwebmanagementapptwo\nodejs\demo1\starterkit\_keenthemes\tools> gulp --demo1
Using gulp config file: "../../gulp.config.js"
[16:38:57] Using gulpfile A:\WebAppProjects\ngr_apps\app_four\ngrwebmanagementapptwo\nodejs\demo1\starterkit\_keenthemes\tools\gulpfile.js
[16:38:57] Starting 'default'...
[16:38:57] Starting 'cleanTask'...
[16:38:57] Finished 'cleanTask' after 30 ms
[16:38:57] Starting 'buildBundleTask'...
[16:38:57] Finished 'buildBundleTask' after 78 ms
[16:38:57] Finished 'default' after 111 ms
Error in plugin "sass"
Error: 100% and 0 are incompatible.
<error trimmed>
Is this a known issue?
Am I doing something wrong?
Am I missing a step in the getting started instructions provided in
Did someone make an update and not make sure the changes were good before pushing it out?
I'm at a loss here.
Thank you,
Thank you for letting us know about this issue.
We checked the latest Metronic version and reproduced this error, the error is related to the incorrect tinymce dependency version. To fix this error, in the package.json use the fixed version as shown below.
"tinymce": "^7.2.1"